[How to] Optimize | Increase the Speed of Your WiFi, 3G and 4G Android with Internet Speed ​​Master

Unfortunately in South Asia Internet connections are a very slow, especially in countries such as India that is where I live. The 3G is almost nonexists with speed of 1Mbps or even in the morning when no one using the service, the speed is always slow. About 4G? it simply does not exist. Same with the WiFi, which is usually quite slow.

To improve this we can use Master Speed ​​Internet, a completely free application for Android that will help make the connection to speedup more than existing speed. What it will do is apply a mod or tweak that is used in Linux systems that will allow the speed increase. The developer promises that this should work for both Android systems stock or custom.

The only requirement for this app is, you must have root in your phone to work, that is a rooted android device and give superuser permissions for just entering into the application. Then simply press a button that says "Apply Patch". There is also an option for those who do not have ROOT. If you want to go back to how it was before the system, the program lets you restore because it keeps a backup.

It may be that Internet Speed ​​Master not work on some devices.


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