Super Start - Create Customizable start page for Your Firefox

If your default browser is Firefox and would like, whenever you launch a new browser session, quickly access your favorite web sites, you can draw on Super Start, so that when you log on with your browser, you will get a customizable home page with your favorite Web sites displayed in thumbnail form, and also a simple task list, so do not forget the things you have to do.
Super Start is customizable both in content and in appearance, may in this case select a color option at the top right to act as a background or choose to upload an image to add the background. As for favorite Web sites, the thumbnails are generated directly obtained from the URLs entered, but can also be modified.

It depends on your creativity and your taste create your home page according to your needs.


Anonymous at: March 21, 2013 at 9:43 PM said...

Your blog is good but lack of content.Thanks to you give me a little but effective information.personal startpage

{ Pankaj Gaikar } at: April 15, 2013 at 12:23 PM said...

Welcome Nick, and i'll take your words seriously to improve my blog and make it much and much better.

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